introducing the…

spring 2018 meetings

The Music Computing and Psychology Club is reincarnated as a seminar this coming semester (PSYC/COGS 397).

For an example of the type of projects students produce, see here (Chrome browser, desktop only).

If you are interested in enrolling, let me know (toc215(at)

spring 2017 meetings

The Music Computing and Psychology Club is reincarnated as a seminar this semester (PSYC/COGS 397).

For an example of the type of projects students produce, see here (Chrome browser, desktop only).

If you are interested in enrolling, for this or future semesters, let me know (toc215(at)

fall 2016 meetings

The Music Computing and Psychology Club will meet at noon in Chandler-Ullmann room 120 to discuss ideas for music-based apps and then, in the spirit of a hackathon, spend the afternoon coding prototypes. You’re welcome to drop in/out as your schedule allows.

For an example of the type of apps that emerge from such hacks, see Dawn of the dyad (Chrome browser, desktop only).

If you are interested in attending, RSVP to Tom Collins (toc215(at)